Make a donation.

On average, it costs $8000 to host an international mobile medical clinic. Providing quality care abroad requires purchasing medications and supplies, registering the clinic with the Ministry or Department of Health, obtaining temporary licenses for medical professionals, and hiring local translators.

Your generosity will give us the financial resources necessary to provide vital medical care for communities around the world.

Donations are tax-deductible.

Ways to give.

Benefits of becoming a HOPE CLUB member: 

  • For a recurring donation of $50/month or more receive a Global Hope International t-shirt.

  • Receive the Hope Club Newsletter - updates on our initiatives and partnerships. Hear first hand testimonials about the impact our teams are having because of your support. 

  • Receive priority notification about upcoming trip plans and events.

  • Donations are tax-deductible. 


The Hope Club brings people - just like you - together to make an impact and bring HOPE to people around the world.   

We are looking for people who believe in the vision and mission of Global Hope International and want to monetarily GIVE to our initiatives that serve to improve the lives of people both locally and globally. Your generosity and those of the club help ensure medical care is delivered to underserved communities, medications are available and global partners are supported.